Nanotechnology and knowing everything about nanotechnology

Nanotechnology and knowing everything about nanotechnology


There is a big difference between nanoscience and nanotechnology as the difference between physics and the rest of the sciences of electrical and electronic engineering, which are the application of the principles of physics or the difference between chemistry, chemical engineering and petroleum engineering, which are the application of the principles of chemistry. So there are two separate definitions, one for nanoscience and the other for nanotechnology.
 Q. Nanoscience: It  can be defined as that branch of natural sciences that is concerned with studying the physical, mechanical and chemical properties associated with reducing the sizes of materials to the nanoscale in one or two dimensions or all dimensions so that at least one of the dimensions of the material is in the range from 1 to 100 nanometers.
 Either nanotechnology:  it is mainly concerned with making structures, particles, nanoscale devices and introducing nanoscale concepts in industry more than with its physical, mechanical, chemical and electronic properties.

And nanoscience is concerned with the production of materials by precisely controlling their molecules and atoms and directing them to their intended destination to produce materials with specific characteristics’ in what is known as molecular manufacturing. For example, controlling the orientation of carbon atoms in coal when interacting may lead to the production of diamonds, and the row of atoms Sand in a special form may produce computer chips, it is known that the traditional manufacturing methods of chemicals are based on the process of mixing and mixing of the components of the reaction without taking into account the considerations towards the reacting atoms, which produces a chemical substance that is nothing but a mixture of those reactants, but in the world of nanoscale, the resulting materials are more Accuracy, purity, strength and hardness due to the ability of the devices used in this technology to direct and align the atoms and molecules of materials in selected positions to obtain desired properties

Nanotechnology: It  is the technology that deals with the nanoscale level from the smallest using very modern methods in physics, chemistry, engineering, molecular biology and others, or it is the design, characterization, production and use of components, devices and systems by controlling the shape and size in the nanosphere producing compounds , Devices and systems that have (at least) one unique feature. The

technology that deals with objects with dimensions ranging from 0.1 to 100 nanometers, such as water, has a molecule diameter of about 1 nanometer, while a human red blood cell has a diameter of about 7000 nanometers, and a diameter of A human hair is about 10,000 nanometers long.


It is one branch of nanoscience that deals with the chemical applications of nanomaterials and includes the study, description and synthesis of materials with nanoscale dimensions and relates to the unique properties associated with the assembly of atoms and molecules with nanoscale dimensions. The forms of nanomaterials nanomaterials have polymorphs, which may be in the form of granules, tubes, columns, micro segments, or other shapes.

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